Now I have been sitting here worried about Robots going nuts and trying to pull a Skynet on us thus destroying our civilization and turning us all into scrap but I guess I was wrong. All they want to do is make us pancakes and who doesn't love a nice pancake? But my friends, that is how they getcha. One day you are enjoying a nice blueberry flapjack and the next second you ARE the flapjack! Don't be fooled. Next they will have one that shits pizza pops but I won't get fooled. Nice try with the pancakes though Skynet. You hit me right where I live. But is a pancake making robot REALLY what the world is crying for right now? (from the Daily What)
"The Okonomiyaki Robot] starts by stirring all the ingredients in a bowl, before pouring the batter on to a heated cooking pan. The robot then turns the okonomiyaki(pancakes) over with spatulas and then serves them up with ease. It even asks you what sauces and condiments you want with your pancakes."
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