My bestest kitty Admiral Fluffy and I had one of those 'moments' while sitting on the couch today. Its an understanding that pass between two creatures when one knows what the other is thinking and vice versa. He got a bad scratch on his face this week and I of course had my great tumble and if you would have scripted the snap shot we both would have been thinking, "FUCK...we gotta be more careful. Its a jungle out there." My very own LOL Cat moment.
I love this LOL caption - it totally made me LOL when I saw it the other day. Which reminds me...I have to find a video for you called Viking Kittens that I'm sure you'd love...Give me a bit of time and I'll do a search.
Actually, it was really easy:
Watch this and tell me if it isn't just KILLER.
Hope you BOTH recover ASAP!
Yeh Coyote..that was hilarious. I want my viking kitty movie now!
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