Okay Bit Torrent...I have been extraordinarily patient with you tonight. I can wait for most things to appear (like the criminal way you trickle out the torrents of the 70s 'Planet of the Apes' TV show) but when you MOCK me openly by not even posting the first episode of the new season of 'Project Runway' (a great reality show where you actually have to PRODUCE consistently to win) on any of my favorite bit torrent sites...well that is unforgivable. So just because my satellite provider doesn't carry 'Lifetime Network' I gotta miss out or worst yet wait till maybe TOMORROW to even start the download? You KNOW I gots me some delayed gratification issues. NOT cool bro.

If I see ONE more movie, TV show, commercial, trailer or live action puppet show with a scene (usually at the end of the episode) where everyone evacuates a building (in slow motion) just in time to avoid death in an explosion but not in time to avoid being hurled at the camera while the fire ball goes off behind them I am gonna scream and then light some fires of my own. Its like having the cars in a car chase hit the unluckiest fruit vendor in the city every time they hit highway speeds. GET A NEW GIMMICK. PLEASE! I like the boom boom and the 'splosions but you are suppose to be creative people. At least have someone maimed by flying shrapnel or a slow guy not QUITE get to a safe distance. That I would enjoy seeing once.
Never watched the Project Runway show.
As for 2nd grievance, I saw awhile back someone did a post or something on the cool guys in movies, who NEVER look back when some huge-ass explosion is going on behind them. What is up with that? Wouldn't ANYONE look? Just to make sure, say, I don't know, a flaming piece of rubble isn't soaring towards their noggins?
Just a thought. ;)
Runway is one of the few contest shows I will watch. Why? Two words. Tim Gunn. :-)
I do like him on the show. He's not a judge, but is a judge. He's a cheerleader, but not afraid to tell you when your work is crap - but is not shitty about it. He should really run a management school. I'd work for him in a second.
Forgot to tick the box. Sorry :-)
Yeh Gunn is all class. A real mentor who cares more that you learn than being popular with his students. That is a real teacher. Its not about ego with him and lets admit it...just between us guys...he really knows how to dress himself and I bet he smells amazing. Not like the stale popcorn farts I have grown accustom too in my aging years.
I still love the "Red Lobster" bit.
I saw him on The Daily Show where he was asked why is fashion important, to which he replied (IIRC/Paraphrase) "it isn't."
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