I love trailers for these kind of movies. The old school horror dramas. Great actors in fantastic sets with magnificent costumes and the moodiest of mood lighting. I really don't even care if this movie turns out to be a piece of crap I am just thrilled that someone with a love for the same kind of old pictures that I stayed up late into the nights as a kid to watch got the chance to make this. In the days before infomercial and cable TV when local stations played the best Hollywood ever created. 'Monster Chiller Horror Theatre' films in black and white with the lights off and the covers pulled up tight. I was quite the insomniac as a kid but it was a blessing rather than a curse. People often comment how horrible it must be to not be able to turn off one's brain and get some sleep. I never understood how they could possible miss all that was going on and all that there was to explore and learn about. I always imagined monsters were real (and they were more real to me than Santa Clause ever was or that sketchy Easter Bunny) but they didn't scare me. I knew I would be the one with the knowledge to save the people that I loved when they eventually turned up. I always blamed the cold weather for our relative safety. I swear to God if I ever came across one of those old time vampire hunting kits I would have carried it with me all the time. The silver plastic bullets in my fancy two gun rig were not for pretending to be the Lone Ranger, they were for killing werewolves. My Dad got me some of those old 'Time Life' books on paranormal phenomena and legendary creatures and I could early on tell my 'Spring Heel Jacks' from my 'Chupacabras' and my 'Yetis'. I was always a little disappointed to find the real physical maladies that would be mistaken for lycanthropy or vampirism. This trailer brought all of those memories back. You know if I could go back in time and meet the little me I would have loved that little goofball. He never cared what anyone thought. He just wanted to know everything about everything he found interesting.
Doh! The video trailer thingy was removed when I came back to view it. Grrrr....
MINE? You weren't able to see it here?
Okay, just viewed the trailer on League of Melbotis.
Movie looks great, much better than I anticipated! Eager to see it now! :)
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