Best toy ever. Absolutely indestructable. We would shoot our Evel Knievel stunt cycles off the balcony and they would hit the ground and just keep going. The figure with the bike someone resisted bursting into flames after going through the toilet paper ring of fire. I never figured out why they called his van, the SCRAMBLE Van but it was cool also.
Yup. This one kept me entertained for a loooong time, until I stupidly tried using the cycle in sand. Ruined. As was the rest of my childhood.
SAND? Sand ruined it? But but...mine was indestructable. Well I do baby it these days and only run it on gym floors and hardwood.
I remember thinking my parent's friends son was so cool for having that van and the Evel doll and bike.
Thanks for your nice comment on my blog today, Cal :)
Agreed. There was no better toy in my childhood. Why the toy section's shelves are not overflowing with this (even if rethemed with Ben 10 or some crap) I cannot fathom. Probably some Little Lord Fauntleroy got his cravat stuck in it and Matel pulled the thing.
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