This girl was nothing but eye candy (spoiled as it was) and I say to the boys to tell her to not let the door hit her on the ass on her way out. One solo album and she thinks she is Madonna. Hey, stupid, Ace Freely had a solo album too. I may be biased against this girl (you think?) but I never found her attractive at all. Less so when she pees her pants on stage.

Cal, Fergie wasn't trying to leave the band because she thinks she's Madonna, but because all of them in the band have problems with WILL I AM and his personality. But according to latest news Fergie denied the rumors that she is leaving BEP.
I should have known that you would be on top of this Dezmond. Will is a dick but I never warmed to her at all. To each his own I guess.
She is rather man-ish. The wife thinks I am crazy.
"Hey, stupid, Ace Freely had a solo album too."
That is gold.
As Jerry Seinfeld once said "She's got MAN HANDS!"
Oh come now. We all get crotch/butt sweat from time to time...
Actually, Ace Frehley's solo albums have sold more than any other KISS member's solo efforts. His was really the only rocker of the original 4 from 1978. Go back and listen to them... Ace's is the olny one you'll get all teh way through....
Just a bad example for the Fergie case, I'd say. Fergie sucks and always has...
Shawn, maybe I was going on perception. Ace did have 'New York Groove' on that album but I always thought his album did worse than the other three. Thanks for setting me straight.
Or maybe that is a good example. He did so well that he thought he could succeed outside of KISS which he couldn't. Just like Fergie.
She didn't pee her pants. Little do people realize, but I was in the audience that night. I didn't care for her until that music video she did with that guy from heroes. Niiiccceee
As far as I'm concerned, Fergie can take her lovely lady lumps and get lost.
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