If you have a melon like this you wear a hat all the time. Or you learn how to get your groceries delivered at home because, Frankenstein, you should not be going out in public least you be chased home by torch wielding villages. I have no idea who this is but his head is both frightening and distracting. He has one of those heads that get written up about in medical textbooks. In another time he could have roomed with the 'Elephant Man'. He would have to get his toques custom made. No way does that guy buy a hat off the rack. That is a special order piece of head gear. Yikes!
(I guess this guy is Louie Gohmert, a Republican congressman. This means that people have SEEN his enormous melon and still voted Mr Macrocephalis into office. Did his opponent have a horn growing out of their chin or something? How does a normal sized head lose to this freakshow?)
Well that's going to haunt my sleep. Thanks.
Word Verification = Freako
And you're going to tell me computers aren't already sentient?
I really don't need to see any "Republican" Congressmen up close.
I prefer my hairless men lean to the left.
I lean WAYYY left Megan, baby,
Shouldn't people first look at themselves before writing such naughty posts, Cal? :)))
As the proud owner of a bald head, I must declare that baldness is super attractive :)
I'm with Megan. And besides, he bears a close resemblence to a Ferengi and I know of only 2 of them that are trustworthy.
Beware. It might be a cephalopod in disguise.
I dunno, is it that his head is too big or that his face is too small? I can't decide. But, yes, either way I'd be in a damn hat. Criminy!
Dude, you kill me. Really. that is so funny.
I think what you are seeing is the greying on the top of what he has left for hair and it almost matches the colour of his head.
You are sweet to stick up for this guy and his GINORMOUS pumpkin.
Far from it. Although I do wonder if he's invented some ubergenius sinister device.
He DOES look evil. Well he is a republican.
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