I knew those frickin' angels have something to do with it.
And if the picutre below from The Acrobatic Flea is right about where those vuvuzela's have been I am not bringing one up to my lips ever again. Angel butt is still butt.
I am impressed, however, with their ability to release enough gas to carry a tune.

If Heaven sounds like the South African Soccer stadium I'm having second thoughts about going there.
What makes you think that is your final destination? Just saying.
I've sent you a picture that better sums up most peoples feelings about the Vuvuzela - hope you got it ;)
I did. Thanks for that Flea.
I used to have a friend, who insulted people by calling them "ass trumpet!"
Now we know that such a thing as an ass-trumpet actually exists, Pat.
I've been watching "Holy Grail" for years -- first saw the movie in the late 1980s. And I never once realized they were playing trumpets with their asses.
The Jaquandor, my efforts have not been in vain.
Angels, being religious characters, are _full_ of hot air. They could certainly rattle it all the way to the cheap seats :-)
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