Why in the world do we not just gather all the idjits in Texas together and place them in the Thunderdome. I swear they are more backwards than the Taliban. I thought that these southern morons were just a stereotype but that is not the case. Check out what the Texas GOP has put out as their platform. Remember kids, it's 2010!
"The Texas Republican Party has passed its new election platform, including a ban on pornography, oral sex, gay marriage, sodomy, strip clubs -- they also want to ditch the Federal Reserve, "withhold Supreme Court jurisdiction in cases involving abortion, religious freedom, and the Bill of Rights," "oppose the implementation of one world currency" (why was I not informed of this One World Currency? It would sure make travel simpler!), and get the US out of the UN."
Looks like they are one step away from reverting to slavery and removing all the pavement from the roads. Why is it that those who wish to make anything sexual illegal, seem to be the ones who need those acts performed on them the most? GAH!

Every day i see proof that the Republican party is just batshit insane.
I mean do they not see it. What is wrong with me that they practically GLOW with stupidity? How others just not see it and accept their words is beyond me. I have a great idea for a make-work project. Put a Thunderdome in every state, give a test, and herd the crackers who fail it right into their doom. They are holding up the advancement of our civilization.
Seriously that sounds like one of those prank statements you see about the place. This is the long term effect of America spending less on education, where does it end? The USA has gone from one of the most forward and educated countries to one of the worlds recalcitrants.
Fear of the UN and one world currency are popular among certain apocalyptic fundamentalists. They're apparently signs of the Great Tribulation, or something. That a major political party would actually try to pander to groups like that just proves they're pretty much beyond hope.
I love how they only pick and choose what parts of the bible to believe. They are so afraid that when the rapture appears that they will be left behind because, sure, they hated the gays but they ate shellfish while wearing a poly/cotton blend. You choose to believe and follow that b.s. then you believe and follow ALL of it.
Cal, what did I tell you about earthlings? That's right! Earthlings are stupid...
And cracker ass Texas earthlings are the stupidest. As my buddy would always say, "It's a nice planet if it wasn't for all the people."
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Sometimes I just don't know.
Since the last crusade (in 2001) cristina fundamentalists have taken over in many parts of the US. Sad.
It is really pathetic. And these are the people that march proudly into the future. And they are arrogant in their stupidlty. Some kind of virus from space that targets ignorance is the only hope.
Since many of them refuse to get their kids vaccinated, an ordinary virus might serve the same purpose.
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