I have been putting this off long enough. Gots me that man crush on Nathan Fillion that I have been saving for just such a time while I wait for the new season of Castle to start. He was my first choice for Green Lantern but at least he is playing Ant Man in the 'Avengers' so I get to see him get all super heroic.

Plus Jewel Staite, Gina Torres, Morina Baccarin and Summer Glau are also reasons to enjoy this single season (thanks FOX) of what I have heard is a pretty cool show. I half-watched 'Serenity', the movie that was made to give the fans some closure so I half know how things end up. I watched the 'Wire' backwards and enjoyed that so I am sure there will be lots for me to savour in this series too. I let you know what I thought when I am finished.

Oh, you are in for a treat, my friend. You know, I had such a hard time wrapping my head aropund Firefly at first. I wanted to watch it for the spaceships, but there was all this western feel about it. I couldn't get past that.
Once I did, though I was richly rewarded. I envy you seeing it all for the first time.
I am pretty happily enjoying it so far. I love the scrappy low tech firearms combined with the space ships and I am enjoying learning about this universe. Kinda realistic when you think of how human travel into space will probably go.
Pretty soon you will be singing the Ballad of Jayne. Enjoy.
Miss the Firefly! And sorry, my crush is on Jewel.
Love Firefly. Wish it were still going. I guess I'm twisted, my crush was on Summer.
Firefly was such a great show! Looking forward to your thoughts, Cal.
Enjoy one of my favs.
So...good...I miss it so....
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