I don't know if I will be posting much this next week. I have started developing some numbness in the pinkie finger of my right hand which probably doesn't surprise too many people considering how must I do type during the day. I am going to rest my hand entirely and see if that makes the numbness go away or reduce in severity. Of course this is all complicated by my recent diagnosis of Diabetes as this is one of the symptoms of the disease.
It's kinda scary to actually feel the result of not taking care of myself in the way that I should have all these years. I focused too much on things that made me feel good in the immediate (like a poor diet of rich sugary foods) instead of thinking of the long game.
It was easy to blame my weight or my work for the fact that I rarely had a girlfriend or any real permanent relationships besides work and hobby acquaintances (the baldness was never a problem because I have a beautiful head for it and it's feels so good on the pillow after a nice head shave).
I was okay with that.
I traded those things for the ability and time to pursue interests like comic book and toy collecting, movies, music, art, design, history, teaching, writing, travel, computers and now blogging. I really don't think I would trade away anything I have been able to learn or do for the other side of life. Nobody gets everything.
So maybe this is all part of the challenge for me to experience another side of life. In the past year I added more exercise and a better diet to my life to avoid the diagnosis I recently received anyways.
Sometimes it feels like it wasn't worth the effort at all but of course I know that is 'stinkin' thinkin'. I just have to take everything to the next level with even more attention and intensity and if there is one thing I know how to be is intense about something I am interested in. My blog and Tumblr are testament to that.
I am not looking for validation from anyone in your comments. Just preaching my truth.
My unlimited love to you all - Cal
Cal...Really...Buy yourself a Kangan water machine. You will never have diabetes again if you just drink the water. I had diabetes. I drink the water and it's gone now. Trust me on this. Diabetes cannot survive in an alkaline enviroment.
Cal, I hope I'm speaking on behalf of all your Followers here ( if I'm not it's pretty sad! ) when I say that we're all with you on this, and wish you all the best.
And, hey, look after that finger! You never know when you might need it ;-)
Respect. That is all.
Lots of benefits to getting older - accumulation of wisdom born of experience, the satisfaction of looking back at what you've accomplished in life are just two of the many...
But from a physical perspective it do suck to get old :) Youth is wasted on the young, my friend. I've lived my life pretty hard from a physical perspective, so I totally get you when I look back and think "Maybe I shoulda eased up a little bit and took better care of myself".. Especially before I have the first cup of coffee in the morning.
Hang in there. The steps you're taking *will* make a difference in how you feel - regardless of the diagnosis.
Cal I know you can overcome this. It just takes a lot of will power. I have really high blood pressure and I was starting to feel the effects...nausea, headaches, but the thing that kicked my ass was the vision problems. So I'm on medication and now run everyday (weather permitting) and watching my diet. It sucks, but I understand what you're going through.
At my last physical, my doc told me to get off of my butt. It's been a year and I'm about to go back. should be interesting...
It might just be carpal tunnel syndrome. I have that. My fingers and hands go numb unless they're typing in the proper position. It also happens when I'm driving.
BTW: That's an ass kickin' picture you headed up this post with!
I am hoping for carpal tunnel actually, MD. That would be a relief at this point.
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