Saturday, December 18, 2010

Cut Mugshot Of The Week

She shoplifted gummy bears for me again. I told her I can get my own gummy bears but she insists that she wants me to have them as a demonstration of her love. What is with all these crazy woman? Am I really such catnip to them?


Pat Tillett said...

Apparently you are!
They start by getting you to just eat them, then they ntroduce new flavors, leading to the end game flavor, squid... this one belongs behind bars!

Kal said...

But when they break out of jail and find me I hav fugitive sex to look forward to too. said...

Of course you are, Kal. I've got a stash of gummy bears here for you, too. I'm going to score some more red ones (for me) before I send them the rest to you. xo

Kal said...

In some judeo/christian traditions, the exchange of gummy bears is a sign of matrimony. I am not sure which ones but I am sure we could make one up to appease our families.

Kelly Sedinger said...

That girl's eyes scream out, "I'm sure one of my personalities knows where the bodies are!"