Monday, December 27, 2010

Talk Me Off The Ledge

I am sorry for what I have to tell you all. I may not be around very much longer unless I can learn to 'deal' with the devastating news I got today.

It seems that after the last five episodes that the devil that is the SciFy Network will be cancelling production on my favorite show on TV right now, 'Stargate Universe'. I am familiar with the franchise but never go into it as much as I did with this new series.

It's my favorite story concept - group of people who shouldn't be on a derelict ship on the end of known space ARE on said ship and have to make compromises to service. You have the military vs the civilian vs scientists.

Great characters, great premise, great stories and now it's all for shit. I am so upset that I am loading TWO rounds into my imaginary rifle and getting ready to climb the mushroom shaped water tower in my town.

Its a perfect design. I can hold off the police for days if I pack enough sammiches and water. The last time I just didn't plan properly and despite still being mad after I shot off the one bullet I brought with me, I ended the crisis pretty early in it's run.

But not this time. Fuck You SciFy. You could have cancelled or not made one of your shitty ass monster movies with their embarrassing stories and embarrassing CGI and given this quality show a chance to find it's audience.

You wrecked the Battlestar Galactica remake. I gave that show four years of my life only to be let down in the worst ways ever. You owe me bitches. I will never watch one of your movies again. EVER.

If you fuck with 'Warehouse 13' we will be broken up forever.


Nomad said...

How do you get Syfy in Canada?

Kal said...

It's on SPACE and all their shows come up on the torrent sites. I also follow their website to see what new cheap monster movies they are making.

Wings1295 said...

After so many years of TV, I have learned you just can't take anything for granted. Just be patient... a new favorite will pop up sooner or later. You don't want to miss it by not being around to watch it!

Kal said...

Damn you and your relentless optimism Wings. You drained all the delicious indignation right out of me. I didn't keep my recipt for those bullets. Do you think they guy at the counter will remember me anyways?

Wings1295 said...


Lazarus Lupin said...

syfy has taken over Fox's place as the executives most likely to shoot themselves like a circular firing squad.

Lazarus Lupin
art and review

Kal said...

You got that one right Laz, what a low bar to shoot for. A run to the bottom of the asshole pool.