I am all over this concept. I wish I could find some issues posted online so I could download them and see if I am correct about my assessment. I think you all can quess which particular issues I want to red the most. These covers are spectacular with a great title design.
If you like these comics you should check out Frank Herbert's book Under Pressure (formerly the Dragon in the Sea).
I just finished it Sunday and it actually made me cry, and not many books make me cry.
All about an atomic submarine tug with a crew of 4 men who steal enemy oil. Full of intense situations--there is hardly a spare minute while reading, between dealing with radioactive tunnels, enemy subs coming after them, and a possible enemy "sleeper" out to sabotage the whole mission.
It's Herbert, so of course it's excellent stuff!
You are a Herbert fan too? You know of the spice and the worms of Arrakis? Good lord woman. Are you sure you aren't an Agent of Heino out to get me?
I will be looking for that book today you mentioned today. Thanks for letting me know about a Herbert book I had no idea about.
How the HELL have I never heard of this? Thanks for pointing it out. Those covers are awesome.
I know Michael. I never knew about them either and I thought I knew EVERYTHING about comics. I could see if it wasn't a good comic but it pretty terrific for a Golden Age book especially in terms of the story (those panels are just FULL of words) and interior art. I am sure that Irwin Allen must have read it as a child or teen because it sure looks 'Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea'.
HUGE Herbert fan. I haven't read everything by him yet, but everytime I go to a used bookstore I check for his books.
I DO work with someone who looks suspiciously like Heino...
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