Monday, January 17, 2011

1st Day Of My New Life...Bitches

Today I met with my medical 'team' at the wellness center. Despite expecting a meeting with a sour bunch who would look down on me for driving my health to this point they were pretty supportive and realized that with a history of diabetes in my family that I was bound to acquire symptoms sometime in my life. Luckily for me I got them relatively young so changing my lifestyle will be less of a burden than it might have been if I was older.

They also has funny retorts to my gloomy forecasting and were also less positive about my chances (in a funny, joking way) and I can work with evil health care bastards like that.

I also don't have the 'burden' of a job or family to work around. They can mold me how they like and I can either fight it or just go along with the changes. I liked how they started by telling me all the things I CAN eat (moderation) and that in just six months they can do something about the numbness and tingling in my fingers.

Their ultimate goal is to see such a complete turn around that I turn out to be an even more beautiful specimen of manhood than I already am with no symptoms of diabetes. After all they will need a poster boy. I think we understand each other. They need someone to experiment on and I need any and all improvements to my life that will come from the voodoo that they do.

I also must mention that the 'cute as a speckled pup nurse' who took my blood sample is also a fan of my 'Canadian Cave of Cool' blog. Several months ago I was mentioned in our weekly paper by a columnist who wondered how many other cool bloggers were in the city like me. I mostly played it down but today I realized that I shouldn't have. She has followed me for a year and (rightly) looked at me like I was a rock star. That is more of a rare reaction to 'Big Daddy' than you would be expected to believe.

I promised I would mention her in this update.

So here is my beaten down face on the first day of my new life. Call it the 'before picture of DOOOOM' Things can only go uphill from here.


Belle said...

Sounds like a great start. I love the fact the nurse follows your blog.

Super-Duper ToyBox said...

hey, keep it up Man- your life is worth everything. i like having you around, showin' me cool stuff, makin' me laugh, makin' me think

TS Hendrik said...

Well, that at least had to be a cheery spot in your day, having a fan.

Pat Tillett said...

Things can and will get better!
You work the program and we'll send the positive and supportive vibes...

Sam G said...

Dude. You're a rock star!

Mike D. said...

My man Kal... get that shit straight kid, cause if you can't blog anymore I will die from lack of nourishment of my soul due to your lack of posts!!!! Get that shit under control and no worries... you will be in NYC at comic con in no time!!!!

Ravyn said...

You need to smile! There are some pictures of you out there...but none where you have a big ole' grin on your face!

Wings1295 said...

See? What's I been sayin'? Gots to put the goods out for sale if you want the peeps to be buyin'.


Wings1295 said...

Seriously, if I can be, stay on the healthy track and keep on getting into that big, wide world. Never know who you are gonna meet.

chunky B said...

I know you will succed at this and come out a better man than before. Stay strong and best of luck my brother from the Great White North!

Oh and nice job on the rock star status, don't let it go to your head ; )

chunky B said...

Succeed! Succeed! Typing on a phone no excuse.

That Dad said...

I have no doubt that I will soon be seeing before and after pictures of you used in diabetes education classrooms across our great land...after they've done the playgirl route first, of course.

DrGoat said...

Once you get going, it will hopefully get easier every day. You're fighter. I went down a similar road 3 yrs. ago with a chronic nerve deal that was very painful and caused a lot of insomnia and grief. They finally got me on Lyrica, which has pretty much kept me from cashing in. Gotta take it for the rest of my life. I'm 60 so if I can do it, you can, you young pup.
Happy healing Tiki thoughts going your way. We're all here with you.

D.I. Felipe González said...

Great news! Also good that you're not only big in Japan (and in the subtropical regions of Mexico).

Wandering Coyote said...

OK, so it's not all doom & gloom - great! And how cool is it that the nurse recognized you! You're a rock star, baby!

Now be good & follow the nice nurses' advice, OK?

csmith2884 said...

That is news you can use..and I already knew you were a tundra all-star.

BobG said...

I got diagnosed with Type 2 back in August; have pretty well adjusted to it. Good luck, and hang in there.

Kal said...

Any advice you can give me Bob?

Ricky Shambles said...

I guess sometimes it takes a lovely IRL to really believe you're a rock star. That was the best part- seeing a twinge that you believe it :)

Kal said...

Sweetest two seconds of the year so far.

Glenn Whidden said...

Ah the sweet life of diabetes. I've been type 2 for a couple of years now. Last year was tough and I slipped back, gaining weight and watching my blood sugar numbers creep up. I'm feeling positive about this year though. Keep to the plan and you can live a long, healthy, happy life with this condition. Oh, and remember, no matter what anyone says, including the little voice in your head, this is Not Your Fault.

Kal said...

I know that it runs in my family so I was bound to get it sooner or later. Better now when I have little to get in the way of me doing something about it.

Nick Ward said...

Every cloud has a "cute as a speckled pup nurse" lining. Respect as always.

BobG said...

Watch the carbs; I don't have much trouble avoiding sugars(I don't care much for sweets), but the foods with starches will spike your blood sugar badly. For me, white rice is the worst, pasta almost as bad, and potatoes not too badly. Whole wheat pasta doesn't cause as much trouble; it has the same amount of carbs as white, but they digest slower, so the sugar rises slower over a little longer period, rather than rocketing up after eating them. The first few weeks you'll have to check your sugar frequently until you find out what triggers the spikes in your particular metabolism. If it is high, do some exercise or fast walking to burn down the sugar.
Hope that helps a bit.