Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Somebody Having A Worse Commute Than You

Wreck of the Glenesslin, October 1, 1913.
Approaching the Columbia River for a cargo of wheat, 176 days from Santos, she was sighted under full sail on a calm sea and in perfect visibility, standing in dangerously close to the Oregon coast near Nehalem. With no apparent effort to change course, the vessel crashed head-on into the rocks at the base of 1,600-foot-high Mt. Neah-Kah-Nie.

The dramatic spectacle of a great full-rigged ship, all sails set and apparently attempting to climb a precipitous mountain, has been preserved in countless photographs, paintings and drawings. A line was taken from the ship by people on shore and all hands left the ship safely, but none of them seemed able to satisfactorily explain the weird event.

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Wasn't its captain the grandfather of the captain of the Costa Concordia?