Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Calvin's Adventures In The Past

Another recently found shot from cadet camp. The guys on the roof with me were fellow cadet photographers. We shot our own film and developed our own negatives before printing copies for the yearbook. It was alot of fun because we had access to anyplace on the base. It felt like being a wartime correspondant.

I'm on the roof looking to take pictures of a deadly 'Chupacabra' who had been eating cadets and sheep in the region of the camp. Since he was teamed up with the 'Mothman', we decided to take to the high ground to try to get a good photo of both of them so that the military police would believe we had nothing to do with the massacres. We lost alot of good men that night.

I am the one in the grayish shirt sitting down. My earlier life was like one big 'Scooby Do' adventure without the cute girls.


Wings1295 said...

Is it you? It looks like you. Are you kidding? Or are you being funny about a real picture? I am confused. Maybe it is your way to keep us guessing. No answers, just more questions. Always questions. Evasive and hard to pin down, off-the-grid kind of stuff. I got your number.

M. D. Jackson said...

Okay, yeah... if the other pictures you posted earlier are anything to go on... that's you. But... wait! Where is your beret? Why is the guy beside you dressed like Howdy Doody? Why does the guy operating the camera look like a member of a high school AV club?

Hmmm... wings is right. No answers... just more questions.

The mystery deepens.

Wait... El Chupacabra... in Alberta? Oh, man, my brain hurts!

Megan said...

All kinds of awesome.

D.I. Felipe González said...

Send my regards to el Chupacabras next time you see it. Tell him he is missed in the subtropical regions of México.

Pat Tillett said...

Just how did the Chupacabra get to Canada anyway, eh?
I thought there was an embargo that banned the import of legends and myths across international borders.
Besides don't you folks already have the yeti or Susan Boyle, or something like that already?