Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Explain This To Me

Am I the only one that has questions about this sinkhole in Guatemala? It just looks to smooth and symetrical to me to be created by nature. I saw this same cover on a Fantastic Four comic book once because the Mole Man has tunneled up to the surface to make trouble. That is what this looks like. Like aliens either took a cylinder of earth out from above or the mole people did it from below. No way was this caused by the ground being a little damp.


Ravyn said...

The image is freaky...before I knew what it was, I thought it was a big ole' hornets nest! It does seem a bit too perfect - how funny would it be if someone came out and said it was photo-shopped after it's been on all the top news shows and in all the top news magazines?!?!

Wings1295 said...

If it wasn't real, it would be thought to be so 'shopped', you know?

Scary stuff.

Laura said...

I was thinking the same thing Cal.
Very strange how perfect it is.


M. D. Jackson said...

It's not photoshopped. Apparently this is the real deal and it's not the first.

The sinkhole took a three-story building with it.

DrGoat said...

Reminds me the scene from The Watchmen. Personally, I favor a Mole people scenario. Or maybe Crab people.

D.I. Felipe González said...

I agree with Dr Goat: CRAB PEOPLE!

TS Hendrik said...

It's the LHC. It really did start producing black holes, we just haven't heard about it yet.

Leviathud said...

When I first saw that hole my immeadiate reaction was "Oh no! The Silurians are returning!!" It's a Doctor Who thing.

On another note,yesterday I told a few friends that it was your birthday. They decided to throw a party in your honour. Wish you could have been there.

vancouver mark said...

Damn, and those squid scientists promised no more weapons testing in populated areas! As if Katrina and Haiti weren't bad enough, now they're trying out that string theory thingie.
I tell you, there's no reasoning with the molluscs! Submit now!They're getting more freaking dangerous than the Israelis!!

OK, OK, I exaggerate a little bit on that last point there, but still!