Mille Bornes is one of my favorite games. We would play it all the time sitting around during University. It's a simple game and with a single card you can crush the dreams of another player while shouting out Coup Fourré! and then making that beep beep car sound.
God. I haven't played that game in ages! All those childhood memories just came wooshing back at me like a repressed memory.
Never heard of this before.
Me, my brother and friends used to play this a lot in the early 90s. Great game.
The kid and I started playing Mille Borne after finding it in the basement in a box of childhood stuff stashed away. Still a good game!
After Chess, my favorite game. One day we need a Nerd/Geek Olympics at the Cave of Cool with Mille Borne and many other cool games like curling! :)
From you mouth to the gods' ears Drake. Both curling and 'Milles Bornes', like 'Risk' are just great ways to be cruel to other people. No matter what great play they make you can crush their celebration with your next move. It's quite delicious actually.
Every time we play this we all talk in horrible French accents the whole time.
It's awesome.
And the box is sitting on my kitchen table this. very. minute.
Once again - seperated at birth Megan.
That game is a favorite of mine, too. I used to play it with my dad when I was a kid.
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