Monday, June 7, 2010

McDonalds? WTF?

I swear that if I see that McDonald's commercial for their dollar soft drinks where the bear walks through the campsite of the oh so hip young people and attacks neither them or their food, ONE MORE TIME, I am gonna commit a violent act. It's bad enough that they make excellent 'Shrek' glasses then force me to return them (after I used my 'Puss-in-Boots' one for a week) because they have ridiculously high levels of CADMIUM in them. You bastards get me coming AND going. Seriously, stop showing that commercial twice every commercial break or I will be using that as my defence when I get brought in for murder.


The Invisible Seductress said...

That bear would eat them like corn. I posted a PSA on this already Cal...WTF is McDonalds doing?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I am glad that you feel my pain on this one. I say the same thing everytime it comes on. Sure that bear looks well fed but no bear would just walk by and don't try to take that punk's Big Mac. Hell I am a polar bear and I can't even drive by a McDonald's without stopping.

D.I. Felipe González said...

Haven't seen a McDonalds commercial in years. Haven't eaten a big Mac for years, also. But I photographed a store last week for a merchandising agency.

hughmon said...

Cal - McDonalds gives away free Cd and folks are upset?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Oh droll Hugmon, very droll.