Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Monday Miny Meme

Have you ever peed in the shower/bath/pool?

All the time. Now I do it deliberately since I was told in grade school that if you peed in the pool you would be surrounded by a red dye that basically identified you as a pool pee person. So I would do the right thing and leave the pool to pee in the proper pee receptacle. When I learned I was tricked I drink water before I even get to the pool and pee off the 5 meter board.

What is your biggest pet peeve?

Any stores that have 10 check-out aisles but only staffs five of them. Wall-mart is particularly evil about this practice when the store is the busiest. Don't make me see empty aisles. Staff all of them even if that means you only have two checkouts. I will wait for what I have but will not tolerate you showing me what I can't have.

What's the story behind your blog title?

When my father was alive he would come downstairs to my room to watch TV and remark at how cool it was - not only in temperature but in how I decorated it. So my living space is always the 'Cave of Cool'.

What is your definition of success?

Being happy and using my powers for good and not evil. When people respond to what I say or do in a positive manner then that is success to me. When my students would say that I was tough but fair, that was success to me. Having respect is true success. I don't hurt others or use my size to lord over women and children. I stand up for the weak. That is success to me and means I can live with myself at the end of the day.

If you were famous, what would you want to be famous for?

See the answer to the last question.


Wings1295 said...

Hah! Learned two things: One - how the Cave got its name. And two - never go swimming with Cal.

Both duly noted!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Hey. I will move away the required ten feet before I deposit my liquid into the water. I am not a savage.