Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Mouse Plague In Australia

With the recent plague of frogs in Greece I have been thinking about the worst animal infestations I have ever seen. This footage, that I used to show my science kids, when we discussed how predators are necessary in the food chain and what happens when they are killed off, takes first prize.

Of course this would come from Australia, the continent most likely to kill me according to my neice and nephew who live there with my shoeless sister.

It's doubly creepy to me because I am afraid of little mice. I had one once in my apartment and I could hear him run across my kitchen floor at night. It was a nightmare. The best sound ever was the "SNAP!" of the trap when he finally made his fatal mistake. It wasn't like I was any smarter than him, I claim to this day that that mouse was suicidal and he wanted me to help him on his 'journey'.


Tempo said...

Yep, I've seen it like this 20 odd years ago. The birds, cats, snakes and lizards eat so many they cant move and then lose interest. The farmers poison them but then the smell gets unbelievable. They actually eat the plastic from the house/car wiring causing fires and breakdowns. Already this year a Locus plague is starting and it's shaping up for another mouse plague later this year.

zebbidie said...

I remember one on our farm 40 years ago. I recall toddling around dashing out the brains of mice on tree-stumps because the little buggers were everywhere and even a 5 year could catch them.

LegalMist said...

Ewwww. We had one mouse in our house and it pooped everywhere and ate a hole in the hose to our washing machine. It was awful. I can't even imagine the devastation that would be caused by that many of them.


Cora said...

Oh. Dear. God.