So instead of posting this fine award by my amigo TS Hendrick, I will post it here for now and encourage you all to visit his very funny and unique site. He is one of those people whose sentences I can't finish in my head and you all know how much that means to me. However, I suspect 'TS' is a pseudonym because all the checks I sign that way come back to me uncashed. What the hell?

He has a fine list of other sites you should be visiting if you enjoy thoughtful, funny posts by some of the most interesting people out there. I actually feel sorry for those of you who don't know what you are missing. I am always impressed with the way that people express their thoughts and feelings about the pressing and non-pressing issues of our day.
Many of my favorite bloggers have either given up their posting for the summer or in some cases, for good. I admire the real lives they have that don't allow them to commit as much time to the hobby as some of us lonely troll-like shut-ins can, but at the same time I miss their unique voices. No one can ever take their place but I keep searching for those who can stand proudly with them.
So get you act together BLOGGER before I start thinking you are a subsidiary of BP.
Whoo Whoo!
Congratulations and salutations!!!!
Calvin- You are the ultimate example of the busy consistent blogger. I don't know how you cover so much. I agree with you that it is sad to see blogs go inactive or disappear over time.
Imagine people having lives... I am jealous.
in the immortal vision of judd nelson at the end of breakfast club... one raised fist...
and don't you forget about me... playing in the background...
my computer is down and i am using the zombie wife's laptop... so i can text without photo art... poop.
you keep shining and keep your eyes open...
i salute you!
I don't know about the new Blogger Design thing -- I have no need of it, right at this moment -- but functionality concerns like that are why I do my blogroll in the "old school" way, maintaining my own list of links on a separate blog page.
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