I have made it pretty clear what side of the political divide I live on. I listen to progressive radio shows like 'The Stephanie Miller Show' and 'The Alan Colmes' show and I despise anything that is aired on Fox 'News'. There are times that I get so angry with the crap I see happening across the border (and occasionally in my part of the tundra) that I can come up with a half coherent rant.
I also read most everything the people on my blog roll produce. I choose to follow those blogs that entertain me and, yes, basically reinforce my belief system. We all like to feel validated by like-minded individuals.
So when I read something so well written that it should be in the history books about the last 18 months of the Obama Presidency, I have to share it with all of you. This is what I think but more importantly it's the truth - an honest evaluation of how the 'Right' (which is so ironically wrong most of the time lately) is actively hoping for disaster to befall their nation. At any other time in American history that would be look upon as treasonous behavior - especially under the last administration.
So read this snippet and go to the whole article by following my link. Let the writer know how well he expressed his point if you feel it and I hope it gives you some hope that someone, somewhere, 'GETS IT'.
"Suddenly, anyone not a Republican was called a Marxist, Communist, Socialist, Nazi, and every label that conservatives had said THEY shouldn’t be labeled. History was being re-written by the likes of Glenn Beck and large groups of people gathered on publicly funded land with misspelled signs shouting about how they “wanted their country back”, wanted government out of Social Security, or any host of canned phrases that Frank Luntz had typed out in his latest memo to FreedomWorks and Fox”News”. It was as if the country had turned upside down and conservatives were hanging on to that tiny little root in the ground praying that didn’t fall off into the void. And this is just within the first 3 months of Obama’s Presidency."
To me...only when we can get past the party lines, stop the rants, quit the spin (on both sides) and have a real coversation will things turn around. Words, words and more words...our country is made up of sound bites anymore...
That is very true. Thank you for you input. Fresh thinking always is appreciated.
a f city girls,
I've been waiting for 40 years for them to get past party lines, and it has just gotten worse. And this last bunch of years has been the worst. And I wouldn't be wrong if I said it was mostly the right wing. To be honest, you can't bring elightenment to people who don't want it or are too dim wittied to understand it.
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