You know who as Wonder Girl. It's a no-brainer. Just came to me in my daily search of my blog list. So y'all are to blame. Call me Selena. I got the perfect story already written in my head.
NO NO NO evil Cal do not so befoul the memory of my inner ten-year-old's fondest dream, like a retroactive BP attacking the tranquil Gulf of my youth.
You need someone much smarter and taller and stronger and seriously less of a happy happy Disney chipmunk to really capture the Wonder of the Girl.
however... Selena as Wonder Girl could make a wierd sort of sense if you cast Justin Beiber as Robin and do the whole thing as a Glee-inspired musical aimed at grade sixes. That could be a commercial concept with serious potential... Maybe Rihanna (unless she's already too old??) as Starfire, a Tamaranean good girl rapidly going bad, maybe Miley Cyrus gets to showcase her growing dramatic range as Raven, wow, this has LEGS, just call the movie "TEEN," they'll love it.
And oh hey SamuraiGuy I wish your site allowed Name/URL comments so that I could annoyingly and endlessly point out to you the considerable and consistent thespian limitations of your favorite Monday muffin.
You just can't love anything can you VM? Is not the world dark and sad enough these days. Can't we all just like what we like. And as for Miss Selena, its the movies. We can make people believe anything. Except for Beiber - there is no evil like the pint sized evil that is Beiber. Don't besmirch my best girl by connecting the two. They have as much in common as a jet plane and a piece of toast.
And this is yet another reason why I don't allow Name/URL comments on my site. But I promise, as soon as I can be resolved to be impressed by people who get off on tearing down things other people like just because they have an opinion, I'll open it up again.
Also when I was thinking of Wonder Girl I was thinking of the version of her that goes back to the beginnings of the Teen Titans when she was an actual 'girl' and not yet a woman. For that reason Selena could do that role effortlessly. I do admit, however, that half of the reason is that I would like to see her in some kind of superhero costume.
HEY! I believe that Cal truly values me as an amusing, informed and impassioned regular contributor to his site.
And I don't tear it, um, her, down just because he likes it/her. I just think first of all that our friend in the cave thinks about this wee girl a bit too much considering the legalities and ethics and all, and also personally do feel that she would not come close to capturing the essential essence of a once-memorable character.
That being said, she does appear brighter, more charismatic, a more believable actress, prettier and more all-over human than that incredibly blah robotic Kristen woman I see every Monday. Pure tuna fish, as Vonnegut would say. So please Mr. Frog, open up your site so I can share my opinions on your regrettable new banner change.
good lord VM, do you have to be that way with Samurai Frog too? I am sure that in all the topics both he and I cover in your standard week, our particular admirations would figure very low in the actual calculations.
And do remember that you will never change my mind and you are always free to take your viewing elsewhere whenever what I am doing troubles you in particular
I would also argue that I don't treat Miss Selena with anything but respect.
Cal please I'm just trying to spread the cheer and let the amphibious one know that I enjoy his blog (almost) as much as I enjoy yours. And I'm not looking to change your mind, just feeling free to express my own.
I forever stand vigilant to protect this planet from the myriad of forces that are always against us. Be it the octopus, zombies, aliens or the robots my team of human agents, and our feline allies, circle the globe in a never ending struggle for human freedom.
I learn all I can on every subject that interests me. I especially enjoy ancient history because in the past there are valuable lessons to be found. Also, if I ever get my time machine to work properly, it would be good to know a bit about possible destinations and what to expect when I get there.
I greatly appreciate beautiful design. Be it manufactured or found naturally I am fascinated by the process of invention. I am attracted to the unique, the strange, the haunted. I like to share what I find on this blog.
And not let us forget the 'Cephalopod Menace' who, if allowed to, would wrap their tentacles around all that is good and pure in this life and crush it until it remained no more. They are creatures of pure spite. Hate is all they know. Death is all they do. They are our most ruthless and determined enemy.
So we fight. Selena has the celebrity contacts, the cat is ruthless and without pity, Roosevelt's ghost has the experience and I do the wetwork.
Fighting for the future of the planet doesn't have to be a chore, however. We can take the time to appreciate all that is cool in this world even as we cut the octopus into bite sized chunks.
This is the reason there has always been and must forever be, a Cave of Cool. Be sure to wipe your feet before you enter.
She'd make a great Mary Marvel.
I've always thought she'd make a good Mary Marvel, too.
Oh, yeah, Mary Marvel, I like it!
I think with Selena as Wonder Girl there's no need for any other Teen Titans... Selena's the whole movie to me.
NO NO NO evil Cal do not so befoul the memory of my inner ten-year-old's fondest dream, like a retroactive BP attacking the tranquil Gulf of my youth.
You need someone much smarter and taller and stronger and seriously less of a happy happy Disney chipmunk to really capture the Wonder of the Girl.
however... Selena as Wonder Girl could make a wierd sort of sense if you cast Justin Beiber as Robin and do the whole thing as a Glee-inspired musical aimed at grade sixes. That could be a commercial concept with serious potential... Maybe Rihanna (unless she's already too old??) as Starfire, a Tamaranean good girl rapidly going bad, maybe Miley Cyrus gets to showcase her growing dramatic range as Raven, wow, this has LEGS, just call the movie "TEEN," they'll love it.
And oh hey SamuraiGuy I wish your site allowed Name/URL comments so that I could annoyingly and endlessly point out to you the considerable and consistent thespian limitations of your favorite Monday muffin.
You just can't love anything can you VM? Is not the world dark and sad enough these days. Can't we all just like what we like. And as for Miss Selena, its the movies. We can make people believe anything. Except for Beiber - there is no evil like the pint sized evil that is Beiber. Don't besmirch my best girl by connecting the two. They have as much in common as a jet plane and a piece of toast.
And this is yet another reason why I don't allow Name/URL comments on my site. But I promise, as soon as I can be resolved to be impressed by people who get off on tearing down things other people like just because they have an opinion, I'll open it up again.
So you are saying NEVER, right, Samurai Frog?
Also when I was thinking of Wonder Girl I was thinking of the version of her that goes back to the beginnings of the Teen Titans when she was an actual 'girl' and not yet a woman. For that reason Selena could do that role effortlessly. I do admit, however, that half of the reason is that I would like to see her in some kind of superhero costume.
HEY! I believe that Cal truly values me as an amusing, informed and impassioned regular contributor to his site.
And I don't tear it, um, her, down just because he likes it/her. I just think first of all that our friend in the cave thinks about this wee girl a bit too much considering the legalities and ethics and all, and also personally do feel that she would not come close to capturing the essential essence of a once-memorable character.
That being said, she does appear brighter, more charismatic, a more believable actress, prettier and more all-over human than that incredibly blah robotic Kristen woman I see every Monday. Pure tuna fish, as Vonnegut would say.
So please Mr. Frog, open up your site so I can share my opinions on your regrettable new banner change.
good lord VM, do you have to be that way with Samurai Frog too? I am sure that in all the topics both he and I cover in your standard week, our particular admirations would figure very low in the actual calculations.
And do remember that you will never change my mind and you are always free to take your viewing elsewhere whenever what I am doing troubles you in particular
I would also argue that I don't treat Miss Selena with anything but respect.
Cal please I'm just trying to spread the cheer and let the amphibious one know that I enjoy his blog (almost) as much as I enjoy yours.
And I'm not looking to change your mind, just feeling free to express my own.
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