I guess if you are looking for a female 'Robin' you can look to Stepanie, the former Spoiler, Robin and current Batgirl. She is young but works more solo than with the Batman.
The closest thing we ever had to a female Robin comes from 'The Return of the Dark Knight' by Frank Miller. His Robin, Casey fought crime with a sling shot which was a cool weapon to use.
Besides those little pixie shoes just look better on her than on a guy.

Even as a kid, I always thought Robin had tendencies in that direction...
I always wondered about a guy who dressed in black and armoured his body but sent his sidekick out ahead of him in brightly coloured underwear. Robin the boy target.
And the guardian of the year award goes to...
He did seem to be kidnapped many many many times. I think you got it right M.D.
I agree. Further, I always wonder about guys named Robin. It's such a womanly name.
xoGood female Robyn
I've always thought Robin was really a girl, disguised. S/he wrapped an Ace bandage around her chest, put on the yellow cape and the twinkie shoes and was good to go as a boy sidekick.Batman has still not figured it out.
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