Saturday, June 5, 2010


Look at the newspaper. Twenty years later? Same stories? Who are the people that find stuff like this. It's enough to make my head explode. (click to enlarge the bottom image)


Wings1295 said...

Cool that they have been able to keep it going all these years!

Chase March said...

That is weird. Why would there be only one newspaper prop that everyone uses?

I guess there are copyright issues with using a real newspaper for the shoot.

Very interesting. Thanks for sharing!

Drake said...

They still use the same laugh track laughs from the 1950's, so it's no surprise they'd use the same newspaper for every show. It's TRADITION! or one of the greatest in-jokes in tv. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm going to second the copyright issue guess and also speculate that the press the studio used had a minimum production run of at least a few hundred.

M. D. Jackson said...

TV happens in an alternate universe where there has only ever been one newspaper.

California Keys said...

That is one of the most awesome things that I have ever seen!