Saturday, June 5, 2010

What You Need To Know About My Favorite Cat Breed

1- They are actually known as Sphynx cats or Canadian Hairless.

2- Breed began in 1966 in Toronto, Canada.

3- The first two hairless cats to mate were a mother and a son (no joke.)

4- Skin feels like Chamois leather.

5- A Sphynx cat holds the record for oldest cat ever – it lived 34 years.

6- Breeders will charge anywhere from $1200 to $1800 for a Sphynx cat.

7- The hairless cat (Mr. Bigglesworth) that appeared in the Austin Powers movies is really named Ted NudeGent.

8- The breed needs to be bathed more often because their skin gets greasy from the secretion of body oils. Regular cats use their fur to absorb this type of oil.


The Invisible Seductress said...

a face only a Cal could love...xoxo

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Because hairless kitties need the MOST love.

JS@NYC said...

Isn't being hairless the last thing that an animal bred originally in Canada want? Interesting looking cat though .. even if she(he?) does look cold ..

California Keys said...

$1,800 for a cat? Just because it was on Friends? Ridiculous!