How unlucky is this guy. For the SECOND time in a few months his car goes over an embankment. Luckily this time there were no hookers in the seats or in the trunk. That was a close one.
Then his high priced legal talent can't negotiate an acceptable sentence for him for the crime of trying to kill his wife with a butcher knife. I understand that Charlie wanted to be able to smoke whenever he wanted to but the jail is a smoke free environment. How inconsiderate. The man has an addiction. How will he ever get better if we just leave him to get lost in the SYSTEM?
I don't want to speak ill of the almost dead but maybe his wife's enormous head was blocking Charlie's view of the sprawling city below his home in the hills. I know I trim a hedge when it blocks my view of the road. Just saying. There is usually a good reason for why someone attempts to kill another and we really need to look at both sides here.
I am just glad that the network that pays him a million dollars or more an episode to read lines on his fantastically varied and life affirming sitcom has decided to stand in support of this winner. He still has much to teach us, obviously.
Do you see what can happen if you just apply some EFFORT, kids? All your sins can be swept under the carpet and the detergent company sells more soap and everyone is happy. If Charlie was made accountable for his actions that could have ended badly for everyone. Just like it did for that poor car. Is that what we REALLY want to see happen?
But I don't want to jinx it. That car might be fixable.
Now what are we going to do to support that Van der Sloot kid?
Are you kidding me???
His car went off the road AGAIN???
This guy is an A1 loser.
And to think.. for awhile I thought that Denise Richards was the nutbar.
What a difference a year or two can make.
Now don't you be piling up on Charlie too. Did you know he is rich? Doesn't that make him our most important natural resource? I think he is a fine example for our children.
He was in that car? I hate that my tax dollars went into rescuing that bastard. I demand a refund.
If we're going to give an actor a break from the law, can't we at least do it with a GOOD actor?
But bad actors need the MOST love.
Who says he's an actor?
Thank you Robyn. He's a bug stain.
At best.
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