You teach one theory because it is FACT and not a FAIRY TALE. This is the exact reason why your country is going to hell and graduating a whole generation of retards. It's so much easier to say "God created the heavens and the Earth" than to actually understand the complex set of circumstances that go into forming stars, planets and life forms.
It's so much easier to not believe in EVOLUTION because your hillbilly brain can't make the leaps of logic involved in understanding how nature NATURALLY SELECTS certain traits to be passed on to succeeding generations of a species.
It's so much easier to compress everything into a manageable time frame than to expand your mind and understand change happening is small increments over millions of years. Six thousand years is about all your tiny minds can handle.
I can forgive an ignorant cave dweller with no written language for believing that thunder meant that the sky gods were angry. You, however live in a world were people on the TV study weather phenominas and can actually PREDICT that when certain condition (which have to do with moisture levels in the air and differing air pressures) will cause weather to occur and looky there, they are right.
You have centuries worth of study by individuals who logically and with mathematical proofs are able to explain why things are the way they are yet you still choose to believe in such junk science as phrenology, creationism and astrology.
Do you know what other group used such bullshit to justify their actions and superiority over intellectuals? The Nazis. And as a group they were pretty smart. They just knew that it was easier to control people if you fill their heads with ignorance than with facts. Ignorant people don't question or make trouble because the bigger the lie, the easier it is to get them to believe it. I am sorry that all my fancy book learning annoys you. Your lack of ANY book learning annoys me, huckleberry.
So hang up another picture of Jesus riding a dinosaur to school and make room for unicorns on the Ark. Just keep that crap to yourself and don't waste valuable teaching time filling student's heads with your nonsense.
The same God that you believe made the heaven and the earth is six days also gave AIDS to babies in Africa and allows other bad things to happen to innocent people everyday. Any being that can do that doesn't deserve my faith.
I am sorry if I pissed off some of you. I don't rant very often on this topic but today I have had my fill of religious bigotry and judgement.