Thursday, December 13, 2012

Things I Want To See In 2013

More bears falling from the trees. Or immigrants falling from the trees which I suspected all along of being behind all these dropping bears. Even when it was the bears, I knew it was them immigrants (to quote Moe from the Simpsons).

More disappointment about the end of the world prophecies. If this one doesn't pay off then I refuse to ever believe another end of the world scenario. All those future predictions need to come true more often if they want my devotion.

The lack of some system to deliver first run movies to those who wish to pay for them. I would pay up to 20 bulks just to watch the movies I like on the night they are released to the theatres. The Hobbit would be just fine on my big screen TV. It's a radical idea I know but if the movie industry doesn't get with they times they will be passed by the times and the technology that is sure to become available.

Reality shows staring hillbillies have got to go. They are not role models in the least. I don't mind a train wreck, I just object to a shabby one. We can do BETTER than the Honey Boo Boos we have been given. Can someone explain to me what Duck Dynasty is even about? If you want to see compelling reality television then watch The Amazing Race. I am still blown away by who won the most recent season. It was fun to come back each week to see if the physically and emotionally weakest team could take it all, and you know what? They DID!

Television that is not on demand is no television at all. Start counting viewers by the amount of PVR views or saves. Then the popular shows have a chance to live on. I for one am thankful that I got extra episodes of Fringe. Sure it's gotten a little like the Matrix but satisfying none-the-less. Maybe we are getting inflated numbers from shows such as American Idol. We can do without a year or three of all these 'talent' shows. For all you parents that want to control what your kids sees until age appropriate, this is the way to do it. I should be able to watch whole seasons of every show produced from throughout television history at the push of a button and I shouldn't have to pay a lot of money to do so.

My feelings change about HBO and how notoriously cheap because that means they will try to get another season of Boardwalk Empire out of Steve Buscemi but will not give him the resources he needs to do it up right. Do you know how many producers that show has - watch the opening credits sometime. No wonder Boardwalk Empire will not win any Emmys. - the show couldn't make all those trophies in time to satisfy all the produces on B.E. Make no mistake - alot of people will want to take the credit but it's Buscemi who is the evil beating heart at the center of that masterpiece.

Criminal Minds to become more gruesome if that is possible. For those of you that have abandoned this show you need to come back. Bloodless procedurals (NCIS) don't have the gut punch that this show does. I can only imagine how much more depraved it would be if a cable network like STARZ got their hands on it.


TS Hendrik said...

They've tried the Date and Day release, and studios got pretty livid over the idea. Theaters are dying as it is, and it's something they may have to look into in the future anyway.

Paladin said...

The sad truth is... the crap shows you referenced stay on the air and get copy-catted because lots of people tune in every week to watch. It also doesn't hurt that they are cheap to make because inbred people come up with their own antics and the producers don't have to hire writers.

It's a sad commentary on our society that they are considered "entertainment"... And that is coming from someone you'd probably consider a hillbilly.

I've eaten a 'possum, after all. Don't get much more redneck than that.

Kal said...

Yeh, I think eating possum is the dividing line between hillbillies and those who live in the least that is what Granny learned me on the Beverly Hillbillies.

Nathan said...

Duck Dynasty? Are you sure that isn't a Daffy Duck cartoon?