Saturday, June 5, 2010


When ever I see a picture of a swarm of bats I am reminded of that great scene from the 'Batman - Year One' comic mini-series. They also included it in the film 'Batman Begins'.

Bruce is in a building surrounded by cops. He has no way to escape and we all feel for a second, that he is done for. Then, as he always does, Bruce pulls a rabbit out of his hat - or in this case a subsonic device - and all the bats from underneath Wayne Manor fly to his rescue, allowing him to escape the building surrounded by a cloud of bats. Wicked cool.


Wings1295 said...

Very cool.

M. D. Jackson said...

That was my favourite part of Year One and I was happy to see it in Batman Begins (though you'd think the movie would have given Frank Miller screen credit instead of just outright swiping his idea.)