This may be animated but it is no children's cartoon. It's got that old school 'gangsta' vibe. I love how nothing is off limits. It's not only 'street' but 'manga street' with a little morality tale thrown in. The voice work is fabulous too. I don't know why this is but I find that when black characters use the 'N' word, I just find it funny. It is especially funny when they end each conversation with that word. Come to think of it I laugh when they say that word at the beginning of conversations too. Now if you choose to watch this clip, please remember that the 'N' word refers to a person's ACTIONS and is in no way reflective of his skin color. White people have 'N' moments all the time.
I wish there version of Anne Coulter was the reality.
I love(d) the Boondocks comic strip, but I tried the animated version and can't stomach it.
Sometimes things don't survive the transition. I never read the strip so I knew nothing of it's origins.
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