"WINNIPEG - In the interests of assessing whether a man who beheaded a stranger and ate pieces of his flesh could ever be reintegrated into society, he should be allowed to take short, supervised walks around the grounds of the Selkirk Mental Health Centre."
One of the things I don't like about my country is that we are way too easy on our worst criminals. When it comes to minor offences we are exceedingly fair and often lax in our punishments. Unfortunately that attitude tends to be affect sentences given to our most dangerous felons. The guy who killed another person by stabbing them then beheading them really shouldn't EVER be allowed out. That is not the kind of thing you do because you are curious. That is some bat-shit crazy behavior from another end of the gene pool.
One half of our most vicious killing couples, Karla Homolka, may get off on parole because of the system. In fact, law makers are rushing through a bill in Parliament that will make that tougher for her. Seems unfair to change the rules to keep one person from getting parole but she is due no favors for helping her boyfriend Paul Bernardo, rape and kill two teenage girls. In order to get him, the Crown made a deal with the devil and she was the devil.
I say let her out. Maybe then someone will take care of the problem, 'frontier justice' style. As it is now, it's far too easy to get parole in this country. People who commit the most heinous acts are out on the streets with no notice to the public and often after serving what seem to be lenient jail terms.
We are a compassionate country and unfortunately that compassion spills over into areas I wish they didn't. The justice system is not really about 'justice' at all. It has always been geared more towards the needs of the offender than the needs of the victims. I hope this bill does something to address the problem.
I watched a very good movie the other night called Citizen X. About one detectives almost decade investigation to catch a serial murderer, a real piece of work. I highly recommend it. Great performances by Stephen Rea, Donald Sutherland & Max Von Sydow. Wouldn't want to live there, but they had a particularly just and quick sentence for the murderer.
.....I'm not saying that that is called for all the time, or even most of the time, but sometimes, yes.
Hey, the soviets don't mess around. Like the Chinese it's one shot to the back of the head then you bill the family for the cost of the bullet.
I really like the 'Citizen X' movie and watched it the fist time it came out. Everyone in it is amazing.
The two parts I liked the best are Max Von Sidow reading the profile to the serial killer and basically being dead on and Stephen Rea being told that he is the model for the type of investigators the FBI wants and admires. Powerful stuff.
Stephen Rea is really the best at playing hang dog type of investigators that are blocked at every point by superiors who have other motives than solving the cases. He did that role to perfection in V for Vendetta.
"If you had found out that your government was responsible for 100 thousand deaths, would you really want to know?"
She's been "out" for 10 years Cal, the application would be for a pardon, not parole. She avoided frontier justice because she did her time and was released to live in Quebec, where the Bernardo/Homolka story got NO coverage - no one knew who she was.
You are right Anonymous. I forgot she was out.
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