Wednesday, June 23, 2010

BP Wins Again

Just when I think these corporate bastards are done shooting balloon juice up my pipe I read this. We really can't defeat them. This is an evil we need superheroes to take down. But maybe I am all wrong. To hear BP tell it, even in a disaster they create a silver lining.

Apparently BP's online magazine for employees has found a way to put a positive spin on the Gulf oil spill:

"Much of the region’s [nonfishing boat] businesses — particularly the hotels — have been prospering because so many people have come here from BP and other oil emergency response teams,” another report says. Indeed, one tourist official in a local town makes it clear that “BP has always been a very great partner of ours here…We have always valued the business that BP sent us.”

I give up. I can't fight something with not even one ounce of shame.


DrGoat said...

And you have shameless republicans taking time out from attacking that awful socialist brown President, defending BP. Makes you want to scream.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Oh I just shake my head and hug my Canadian flag closely. But I know, that as America goes so goes all of North America.

As much as I hate hearing it I hope the Republicans never shut up until the midterms.

They are losing anyone with a brain and the Tea Party goobers will split the GOP vote and there will be massive wins for Obama.

Bigger majorities might get him off his fearful ass and push enough good things to give him a second term where the fact that he doesn't have to campaign anymore might light a real fire under his ass and he comes out the other end as the greatest President ever.

God damn we all deserve that.

Can you imagine how far and fast most everyone and the ecomony could run with even a little bit of that hope?

It would be a freakin' Golden Age.

DrGoat said...

The evil ones have had their way for too long. Enough already.
Even with his shortcomings and letdowns, he has already brought intelligence back to the White House, if it was ever there to begin with. What pisses me off is that everyone seems to have already forgotten or is willing to forget the decrepit mess that Bush and his cohorts left us with.