(I realize that this post may anger or disappoint some of my lovely female readers. I am going to sound like a callous jerk for my judgements but please know that I can have these opinions but still think you are terrific. It's the hypocrisy that fuels my existence. If you see yourself in any of the broad generalizations I am about to make then I apologize. What's done is done and since I know you these views don't really apply to you. You are brave if you are a single mother and have responsibility for children. I just need to vent this one out.)
I try to watch most every show that comes out. Even if it's just one episode I like to know what is out there. If it's so crappy that I can mock it, all the better. So let me unload on a particular piece of crap called 'Daddy Camp'.
First of all, it's the stupidest name for a show ever. Basically they bring together six couples who are having their first child. The men are all young and irresponsible and the girls are all whiny and teary because (shock and surprise) the young men who impregnated them want to still party and go out with their friends and resent a clingy girlfriend. Why is it since time began that girls think that having a baby will keep their boyfriends around? Nine times out of ten it has the exact opposite effect and children end up growing up without having a strong fatherly influence in their lives.
I hate these particular girls because they are all so stupid and selfish. They know how to prevent getting pregnant but choose not to avail themselves of that protection.
It's also annoying that the 'counselor' from the MAURY POVICH SHOW (??????) who calls himself Dr Jeff (why or why the one name TV doctors - I hate them all - they are pimps for fame and offer little in the way of actual useful medical advice. They also come across as superior and condescending which I guess are the same things) is there to teach these couples some life coping skills. Here is a coping skill - DON'T GET PREGNANT before you are out of high school. Can we try that for once.
Dr Jeff is also the worst TV shrink I have ever seen. He does all the talking and tells his patients what they should be thinking but he comes to that diagnosis without asking them any questions. That might be just the way the show is edited but he seems to be in love with the sound of his own voice. He also has a slow delivery style that you would use to talk to a slow child because he puts the same emphasis on each - word - that - he - says. It's beyond annoying.
I yell at the screen whenever I see some teen mother dance and prance because she has proven to the world that her choice in men was faulty. They act like they just won some prize because they guessed which of the dozens of men they had been sleeping with were their baby's daddy.
This is why our civilization is one natural disaster away from extinction. GAH!
Crap. It makes me sad.
Haven't seen the show, but I know I would loathe every second of it. Remember the intro to Idiocracy? Idiots like these may disturb you and I, but, in the end, they are great at procreating, and, thus, win out in a evolutionary standpoint. We keep bitchin' and they'll keep f#%*in', it's the circle of life.
Daddy camp? Didn't know it existed. Sorry I do now. I'm with Gilligan
Yeh I hate to be the one to see these trainwrecks but I just can't look away.
Paternity should not be a Scoobie Doo Mystery...
See, THIS is why I adore you Seductress. You take everything I feel about this issue and you sum it up in one relevant and easily remebered phrase. Awesome.
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