This is why I always tell anyone to KEEP YOUR DAMN HELMET ON! You take that thing off in space or in the water and you are just asking for trouble. Example number one. Here is a fine young lady who has succumbed to SPACE MADNESS and now is a danger to herself and her crew. Just look at those crazy eyes.
Ten seconds after she starts shooting at everything with her ray guns, I am going to have to put her down and down hard. That will just upset everyone in the group which will be counterproductive to us all.
I really do hate being pushed into a corner just because someone can't follow a simple rule. I don't make these up just for my amusement. These rules exist for the benefits of us all.
Now look at this girl. She is doing everything right.

But, you know, the helmet gets so hot... and it chafes the top of my head... and... and... Okay! OKAY! I won't take off the damn helmet!
Geez, what a taskmaster.
I will never apologize for following health and safety regulations. You may call my a prigish poop but safety saves lives my friend...that is until I go nuts myself and woosh everyone out the airlock. Sometimes those idjits just push me too damn far.
they are both hot! and 9 out of 10 women have crazy eyes.
I know...damn their seductive eyes. Makes me do things I regret the next day...naughty terrible things. The horror...the horror.
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