Does anyone else realize how Meowth is working the 'long con' in the 'Pokemon' universe. How the hell does he keep out of a 'pokeball' while being the only one that can say more than just his own name? That is brilliant. He should be running the whole show. But, being stuck with the numnuts that are 'Team Rocket' he isn't taking over anything. In any other universe, his brand of scheming would make him king of the world. Why do I feel so sorry for him? He just needs to get some badasses like Bulbasaur and Jigglypoof to work with him and everything will be different.
Meowth is the Willy E. Coyote of the younger generation.
hey meowth is my fave actually my whole pokemon collection revolves around team rocket xbx
Meowth is running team rocket, don't let him fool you.
That is my point Budd. He would gone so much further and have so much more success if he would just give those other two numnuts their two week's notice.
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