Friday, June 4, 2010

Good On Ya Mate

That is the great thing about being part of the 'British Commonwealth' - one day I too might be knighted. For 'conspicious gallantry in the face of blog posting'


Wings1295 said...

Now it's SIR Captain Ebenezer Picard Xavier. Or something.

D.I. Felipe González said...

He is just british.

Leviathud said...

I very much wish she had used a bat'leth.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

ha ha Leviathud - the queen wielding a bat'leth would have been extra wicked awesome.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

That is the great thing about part of the Commonwealth - one day I too might be knighted. For 'conspicious gallantry in the face of blog creation'

TS Hendrik said...

Obviously knighted for his exception work in Masterminds.

Anonymous said...

And thus was Picard ruthlessly assilated into the the Royal Covenant of the Borg, learning that when kneeling before the mighty Freemason squatting demonic motherhood called Elizabeth II, resistance truly WAS futile.
And so, forever more, he was lost.

And, how's YOUR day going?

vancouver mark said...

Hey, that was ME, don't call me anonymous.

Megan said...

Mark cracks me up.

Nomad said...

Unfortunately as Canadians we are not permitted to be knighted, nor receive any medal giving out by the Queen and or associate British government. Think what Conrad black had to do to become a British Lord. This is why they stopped giving Canucks the Victoria Cross and had to develop our own military honours.

Cotos to Sir Patrick Stewart.