I heard that Becca called this Kim's 'Diana Prince look'. OMG...is Kim lobbying for the role of 'Wonder Woman'? I don't know how I feel about my WW having such a fine Armenian bum. She can get away with the exotic look of the character but can she act? You know some producer is going to hire her thinking that this will bring guys to the theatre in the way they felt 'Jonah Hex' wasn't manly enough without Megan Fox and her toe thumbs.
I think that was Becca who said she was doing the Diana Prince.
KK definitely pulls off the costume, but I want to see a tough WW. Maybe Mary McCormack?
Thanks for that. I will fix the reference. I like the girl from 'How I Met Your Mother' that had pics done in the costume. I posted them earlier in the month.
I LOVE Mary in 'In Plain Sight'. Her character is totally damaged but lovable.
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