Sunday, March 13, 2011


I have been thinking about Japan for the past couple of days like most everyone with access to a television has. I haven't commented on the crisis because what can I say or do to make anything better? I am just some goof in the Tundra. Then I read what Cerebus660 had to say on his site The Glass Walking Stick and it inspired the following comment.

I felt the same way you did about watching the footage from Japan. What's next for this poor fragile little marble of ours? How can one person make a difference? I know I can fight my feelings of helplessness by continuing to write and post the things that I like and find interesting. If my stupid cat captions or showcasing of superhero art and interesting design or even my octopus hatred gives someone a minute of happiness or distraction from the overwhelming nature of these times then I am happy to do it. Everyone has to decide for themselves how they will make the world a better place. Trying to be a good person and developing my vision works for me right now. Never underestimate the value you might have by pursuing yours. I will post this comment on my blog now because YOU inspired me to do. You forced me to take a second to think about my place on this planet. Life on Earth may suck sometimes but it's the only world we have. I for one choose to believe there is hope for us all.


Super-Duper ToyBox said...


Simon B said...

"I for one choose to believe there is hope for us all."

Cal, that's such a beautiful sentiment. Thank you for so eloquently stating your views and for mentioning my humble blog. Obviously, in the grand scheme of things what we do here on t'internet is relatively trivial but, as you say, if we can provide a chuckle or provoke a debate then we are at least communicating and that's got to be worthwhile in these scary, divisive times.

I sometimes forget what a positive environment this blogging community can be. Thanks for reminding me...

Belle said...

I didn't write about Japan either because it seems so huge and sad that these terrible catastrophes are happening so frequently and that many thousands of people are suffering.
I read today that the earth's axis was moved again by this earthquake. It was moved by the one in asia 6 years ago. This is monumental, and I just find the whole thing mind boggling.

Wings1295 said...

Very good post, sir. We always have to hold on to hope. All we have is on this spinning rock in space. Might as well enjoy the ride.

M. D. Jackson said...

Things aren't happening any faster than they used to. Things happen now as they always have. The only difference now is perception. The availablity of the 24 hour news channels makes it seem like this stuff is coming at us fast and furious, but it is an illusion perpetuated by the delivery system.

I feel for the people of Japan. I was worried about a friend of my daughter's who lives there (she is safe). I felt for the people of Australia when the floods happened and the people of Pakistan and Haiti, etc.

But Kal is correct; there is hope. Where there is life there is hope. And that's about all we can try to provide each other. Whetehr it is with silly cartoons or cat pictures or just sharing our enthusiasm for a movie or TV show, the fact that we put it out there is an act of faith. We hope someone will read it, be touched by it. Perhaps someone will. Perhaps what we post will bring a smile or spark an idea. We do not know. The fact that we post without any concrete expectation of reward or validation is an act of hope.

This comment is far too long and rambling so I'll cut it short.

Kal said...

Neither long nor rambling my friend. We can never remind ourselves of these kind of positive messages enough.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Poor Godzilla and Kiwi have reason to be sad. What terrible things earthquakes are.