Saturday, March 19, 2011

Rubber (2010)

High concept films don't get any higher concept than this one. Here is the plot summary from IMBD.

When Robert, an inanimate tire, discovers his destructive telepathic powers, he soon sets his sights on a desert town; in particular, a mysterious woman becomes his obsession.

There are certain indie films that I look forward to every year. This is one of them. I loved the trailer but the full retard execution disappointed me. There are too many times when the film breaks the 'forth wall' and talks to the audience. It is too adoring of it's weirdness for it's own good but you kinda expect that from this entry in the 'Attack of the Killer Tomatoes' genre. Yeh, you read that. I created a whole new genre of movie for this feature to be a part of - low budget, high concept, full retard.

The production quality is quite high and you will easily fall into the trap of seeing Robert as a real character. They do a great job of making 'him' a dick who just doesn't like anyone or anything that is in his way. Simple motivation. Oscar bait.

I could have done without the 'Greek chorus' commenting on things that are obvious to anyone who ever watched a movie in their life. I guess not giving the tire any dialogue made that a necessity to the filmmakers. However, if you have to 'explain' the joke it's really not funny, is it? I think I can guess that the tire has 'psychokinetic powers' when, after shaking for a few seconds, the beer bottle in it's way breaks into many pieces. You don't have to tell me that.

Better yet you should be explaining to me why this group of people has been gathered in the dessert with binoculars to watch the adventures of the tire who is moving further and further away from them. If they are in so unreal a situation then why have them worry about mundane things like being cold or hungry?

Why does the tire fall in love with a local girl? Just an excuse to put a pretty girl on film and have the special effects guys show off their skills at blowing up anything living around her.

By placing limitations on the story and making it so deceptively simple, the creators really had to work out a story that essentially comes across like a film school final exam. Technique, editing, location, music - all coming together is service of a pretty stupid tale. For that they sorta had my interest for 78 minutes.

I just wish the Greek chorus hadn't taken me out of the film so many times. Just give me Robert the Tire doing his perverted, head exploding thing. It's a tough world out there. Even if you are just vulcanized rubber.

I wanted to enjoy this more than I did. To many bizarre distractions in a movie that didn't need any.


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