First of all, how did you all keep this from me for so long? I mean you could have been telling me that my life would not be complete until I got into this show, the newest seasons and incarnations I mean. Just when I thought there was nothing left for me to watch.
Is my life wasted for choosing to watch popular entertainment over other more soul fulfilling activities? Remember, I am having a pretty lonely weekend.
It's pretty terrific to watch all the mysteries and character quirks unfold. Do I miss something if I watch episodes out of order since the Doctor is a time traveller?
I am hurt that no one told me how cute and adorable and wonderful Karen Gillian as Amy Pond was. You KNOW of my affection for such girls (and a redhead to boot) and still you kept me in the dark. That is octopus brand evil to me.
Am I wrong or is the Tardis just a piece of junk? Why would I think that? All the pinball parts.
There is a bit of a bigger picture to the last season but I don't think it would be too much of a crime to watch them out of order. It might make the last two episodes a little more confusing but if your goal is just to see Karen Gillian then really, who cares.
And in that vein, you'd probably like this tiny two-parter they did for Comic Relief over in the UK
Moreover, my nerd-love for Doctor Who is well documented.
So really, whose fault is it that you're late to the party ;-D
Someone gave me a list of episodes to start with - ones that included stories about the weeping angels but I want to see all of the episodes now. Why can't I have Sally Sparrow in my life either. She is spunky and cute.
I want Sally Sparrow to be my BFF!
The weeping angels are awesome but my favorite episode is a two-parter from Season 3 called Human Nature/Family of Blood. It'll break your heart and scare the pants off you.
I am sure I read about everyone's love for Dr Who but it all never came together for me until this weekend. I am freaking out over angel statues now. DON'T BLINK KAL, DON'T BLINK!!!
Welcome aboard the Tardis, Cal!
It's a hunk of junk cerebus, that Tardis.
I just decided to download the past five seasons and be done with it. I will look for those two when the download finishes, Katie. Thanks for your recommendations. I look forward to talking more 'Who' with you as I get into it.
Have fun. You're gonna love it.
I believe I told you to watch it. I also suggested you start back at series one of the new series. You miss the emotional impact of some episodes if you don't watch it in order.
My Tardis is junk? Let's see how you look when your 920 years old. And I know I told you at least a few times to get on board.
Thanks TS. I will watch it in order now that I have the five seasons downloading. The two I have just watched were awesome. I am very excited. I feel like it's FIREFLY all over again for me.
I know you told me cs but sometimes I just don't listen for my own good.
I told you. You start with the episode entitled ROSE and go from there.
Why you no listen?
Yep same day I told you M.D. was right. He is no less right today.
Me know now to do it right.
I'm so glad you're here. This is my me at my nerdiest. I'm been watch Dr Wh (mostly from behind the couch) since the 1970s. This is my greatest love. I'm passionate and protective of this show and the new series has made my heart take flight. And seeing some one come to it for the first time. Kal it makes my binary hearts beat in time. Welcome.
I knew bits and pieces about the characters and situations of Dr Who but to see the good Doctor and companion in actions is pretty cool. And the bad guys are not ones that I had experienced before. Those weeping angels are just too scary for words. Starting from the beginning of the last five seasons with ROSE when they finish downloading. I love you bit torrent.
Try The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (TV) 6 episodes of mind twisting glory!
I know of Douglas Adams from way back. That is some awesome stuff too.
If I ever get married, the Oodsong and Oodsong (Victorious) will be the music for the processional and recessional. You'll know it when you hear it.
Is that from Dr. Who. Is it in the last five sesons or will I have to look for it elsewhere.
It is indeed, Mr. Kal. The first is from the episode "Planet of the Ood", and the second is in the absolutely magnificent "Journey's End". I dare you to watch that without any emotion stirring in you.
Catherine Tate made her name in England as a comedienne, but she's also a classically trained actress. If you want to catch one of her best moments, watch her as her obnoxious alter ego Lauren Cooper doing work experience at Downing Street for Comic Relief. Tony Blair stealing her punchline is just too brilliant.
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