Saturday, March 19, 2011

Zantanna Cosplay


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind words on Wondertrash - Canadian Cal's Cool Cave is one of the few blogs I regularly check out! Keep up the great work! Plus I am amazed by the number of followers you've picked up. One day you're gonna have to share the secret!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

She looks like the magician and the magician's assistant all rolled into one!

Kal said...

I seem to attract like-minded individuals Jang who appreciate my stream of conciousnes postings. I have to comment on someting or post images in about an hour after seeing them or they leave my head and I hate that feeling. My prolific nature is my own worst enemy. Some people love it but some can't stand all that content so my numbers astound me too. All I can say of my 'success' I answer all my comments if I can. That really builds the fan base and makes connections. Gives me the illusion that I am bigger than I am or should be.

Kal said...

Debra - you say that like it's a bad thing. I like the sexy and the magic all rolled into one. She still has all the elements to distract and amaze me.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

You're "mishearing" my tone, Kal! Or would that be "misreading"? In any event -- rowrr!

Timothy S. Brannan said...


Thanks for the link! Glad you enjoyed the images. I have a lot more Zatanna cos-play in the weeks ahead.

Kal said...

No problem. You got some good stuff on your blog. I will add you to my blog roll on the next go. Looking forward to more of the Zatanna co-play. Can't go wrong ever with a girl in a a top hat.

Mike D. said...

My god...