I caught him early so he was in a good mood. My results were a mixed bag. I am still made of sugar with blood the consistency of root beer. I admit to cheating a bit with cereal and a can or two of Pepsi a day. I am going to try to go sugar free for the next week but there are also hidden sugars or natural sugars that I often can't avoid.
It's all about fine tuning the monster that is Kal. The good thing though is that I still have the heart of a lion and my low cholesterol levels are even lower now thanks to my change in diet.
Yesterday a girl behind me in the line at 7-11 said that I smelled really good, like a person does when they come out of a swimming pool. She didn't even cringe while she said it while looking at me either. I told her it was the muffin that I like to eat while I do the backstroke like an otter. She laughed, the girl behind the counter laughed and the guy watching the security footage from the back laughed. I should have gotten all their numbers.
Hahaha - Good to hear. Keep on keepin' on!
Keep going, Cal. With that wit, your inevitable weight loss and a WW2 army captain's greatcoat, you'll be another Captain Jack.
Oh M.D. You magnificent bastard. To see any connection between me and the awesome Captain Jack just fills my body such a tingle.
Yeah! Sounds good. And by the way, Captain Jack has some serious competition, Captain Cal.
Don't you just love it when you jive with other people out in the world instead of running into asshats like you usually do?
Well I am not out as much as I usually have been so my chance to meet asshats has been significantly diminished.
But, I am also a pretty fun person to be around and I am quick and witty with the comebacks and for awhile, to bored people in line, I am a rare treat - a free-lance clown not working in a circus.
Coral and I would have conversations at checkout lines that would have the workers doubling over with laughter - those were really just improv comedy shows.
I'm glad your heart is strong. That's a major plus. I guess you have tried diet Pepsi. I used to drink it till I got allergic to aspertame.
I drink Coke every day, so I understand the addiction.
Your flexibility re phone numbers is admirable, Kal! That's the right attitude!
I can taste the aspertane in Pepsi as a really strong aftertaste Belle.
Oh I can be very flexible Debra. I may fly on only one side of the fence but I do so loves me Captain Jack from Torchwood.
I'm joining this conversation a bit late my I'd just like to say in regards to your story shakespeare said it best when he said - "a maid laughing is a maid half taken".
Come in as late as you want Nick if you can give me such great quotes to add to my collection. I will remember that one. My humor is all I got to work with.
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