"Nuremberg was a major German centre for the production of silver items, and one of the leading masters in the first quarter of the 17th century was Zur Linden, who mainly produced cups in the form of ships in Baroque style. Several examples of his work are to be found in the Hermitage. This particular ship is the largest of all the master's known works. It is gilded, with silver sails on which we can see the sun and moon. Cannon stand upon the deck. On the prow is a pavilion with a female figure. The foot is in the form of Neptune sailing in a shell through the watery deep."
Oh by the way you know Suntanned-Sunflora? The person of which you reblogged this from on your tumblr. That's me.
That is very cool. We seem to have similar tastes in what is cool. Is there a pic of you one your tumblr. I have to make sure that I am following you.
There is no picture of me on my tumblr. Or anywhere for that matter. *hides and becomes the man behind the curtain*
I guess I will just have to imagine you in your Doritos dress with a top hat on.
*aspires to become that girl*
Well I hope we are friends long enough for me to see that. You can email me anytime you need advice on how to do it.
You sure can make a teenage girl swoon.
Beware such powers are dangerous.
Well I was looking through your archive and now you got me jonesing for garlic bread like another guy that just messaged me. For that you got my eternal support. Yes, just because of garlic bread. I am such a simple man.
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