Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Posters Of The Week


DrGoat said...

When I was a kid, my uncle took me to the theater to see the Fly, and when they showed that guy's head on that little fly, it freaked me out. Didn't sleep much that night.

Kal said...

I remember in the days before Informercials and cable when movies like 'The Fly' would show up on the late late show every couple of months. I was freaked by that scene too and the one of the large fly crushed in the large mechanical press. Everytime I squish a fly up against the kitchen window I think of that.

Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

These are very cool. I'm just wondering, though, why Robin has even bigger upper legs than I do. Holy cow!

Kal said...

Vanity and the fact that he spent most of his days in those little speedos made his thighs the target of most of his workouts. How better to distract people from noticing his tinkerbell shoes than to have the focus on his magnificent thight and his 'package'. Those bad guys didn't kidnap him just to irk Batman you know....but I have told you too much already.

Don't you become like him thought. You don't want to have to buy custome jeans like I hear you have to have your t-shirts customly fitted...meow.

Kal said...

Sorry, I am rather frisky tonight. And I didn't hear from 'HER' tonight so you know.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I really like the Back to the Future one.