Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Very Proud Pop Drinker

Although I am down to just one or two a day, I still love my Pepsi. I love the taste, I love the logo, I love it all - no more so than to hear that FINALLY someone is corporate has put the resources into creating the holy grail of recycling, the biodegradable container.

I was listening to Charles Adler the other day and he read a letter from a woman about how people have ALWAYS been 'green'. They recycled their milk and pop bottles to have them washed and reused by the company. I am sure we create more landfill waste now than we ever did 50 years ago. In the spirit of making less of a garbage imprint, we have, in fact created a lifestyle that makes more on an impact on the earth.

I wish there was more initiatives like this. In Europe they have wine dispensers in grocery stores. You just take your old family wine jug with you, fill it up like you fill the car with gas and that saves a lot of bottles going into the waste system.

I am sure we can do that with so many dry items that can be bought in bulk bins that save on the over packaging that most products are put through today. The box, the inner package and often the smaller individual packages after that. Insane.

Didn't think I was such a green radical did you? Well that goes to show that you can't judge a person by the octopus he hates. Wow, think of all the cephalopod poop we would be able to get rid of if we just killed them all. That's me. Always thinking of ways to make the world a better place.

Now what are YOU doing.

Green Initiative of the Day: It was announced yesterday that PepsiCo will soon begin manufacturing a biodegradable bottle composed entirely of plant material — this despite Coca-Cola Co.’s recent assertion that it would be years before a 100% plant-based bottle could be produced.

Materials used include switch grass, pine bark, and corn husks. PepsiCo plans to eventually begin incorporating organic leftovers from its food business.

According to PepsiCo senior VP of advanced research Rocco Papalia, the way the new PET bottles feel and protect their contents is indistinguishable from their plastic siblings. “We’ve cracked the code,” he is quoted as saying. “It’s a beautiful thing to behold.”


Dirty Girl Gardening said...

nice post, green radical.

M. D. Jackson said...

Yeah, unfortunately they only break down if they're composted. Throw them in the trash and they do nothing. They are also 30 - 50% more expensive to produce than petroleum based plastic. Hmmm. Where do you think that cost will be absorbed? Do you think Pepsi execs will take a pay cut?

Also the manufacturing process creates just as big (if not a bigger) carbon foot print.

So the only thing it does is make you feel like you're doing something "green".

Budd said...

remember how in the 80's how it was green to use plastic instead of glass or paper?

Kal said...

Thanks for the truth MD. Least I felt good for a whole half hour.

Paladin said...

Ditto what M.D. said. Could still be a good move for Pepsi from a marketing standpoint, though. At least as long as folks are preoccupied with being "green".

Its kinda like the "whole grain" label you see on lots of stuff today. People see that and knee jerk "It must be good for me!" no matter what.

I've seen commercials for Lucky Charms cereal marketed as "whole grain".... yeah, a cereal comprised of frosted oats and little sugar marshmallows has health nut written all over it :)

Glad to know you're a Pepsi Man, Cal :) We can toast each other one day.

DrGoat said...

A throwback Pepsi Man. My kind of guy too.

Kal said...

My addiction to the sweet nectar has only felt sweeter since I can only afford to have one a day due to my diabetes. Plus with that can comes the brisk walk that is the price of all that sugar.