That the premise for Space Camp is really really goofy, right? How unbelievably unsafe was it to test the main boosters with students onboard the space shuttle? How does that ever even get approved as a class field trip? Where is the oversight? How did people keep their jobs over this screw up? Then even after they have launched these punks into orbit, the numnuts from NASA can't figure out how to bring the kids home but the teens can do that for themselves because as we know all teen girls know Morse Code in 1986 (don't ask) Why does any movie involving a return to Earth need to make the radio silence so dramatic? It's always life or death during the ionization blackout. Why wear helmets if you don't have oxygen or spacesuits? Why am I so glad that everyone could learn their life lessons BEFORE LANDING THE FREAKING SHUTTLE AND BEFORE THE INVESTIGATION AND INQUEST BEGINS!?! Why does having a spunky Lea Thompson in your 80s movie just make everything better?
I remember seeing this movie on the shelf of the video store during my childhood. I never watched it, but I can't imagine I did much better by watching "Unidentified Flying Oddball" (ugh...)
I can easily imagine the pitch meeting "Teenagers... In Space!" Because space is so dangerous, Nasa has regulations on how to do EVERYTHING so its really hard to swallow this premise from the get go, and their panicking isn't doing anything to make me sympathize with them.
It really didn't hold up well. It was sad.
Yeah, but for me it was fun just watching Lea Thompson.
This trailer reminds me of that scene from "War Games" were tourists walk through NATO headquarters and the officers stage a fake missile launch as a gag. That scene doesn't make any sense even within the context of the film, only difference is that this movie centers around that one point and takes "the gag" a step too far.
never saw this, don't care
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