Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Airing Of The Commercial Grievances

OMG I hate commercials. I have been watching the US Big Brother with my mother so I am subjected to commercials. These are are a few of the stupidest ones.

Smart Bread - the cartoon bread superhero with a cape comes into a room full of kids and starts breakdancing - yes breakdancing and all the kids gather around like we used to do in the 80s. And then he tells the mom about all the grains in smart bread and the kids do what kids at all parties do - eat sammiches. GAH!

Dairy Queen - first the family in the car already are eating Blizzards. The kids are arguing about which one is closer to the Dairy Queen Blizzard truck that they are following. Dad reminds them that their MOM is closer because she is on the hood of the car with a helmet on, trying to grab the back of the Blizzard truck.

Now there are several things wrong with this picture. First, when mom grabs onto the back of the Blizzard truck and dad pulls away, she is going to be ripped in half in front of her children. Then he will crash off the cliff because her blood will obscure his vision.

Why not just follow the Blizzard truck from a safe distance and wait until it stops. Then you can get your frosty treat. But no, you have to go all psycho about it and endanger you family, who I remind you, ALREADY HAVE BLIZZARDS.

This family are all skinny too. With all the Blizzards they obsessively eat you would think they would be larger. I can only include that they all picked up a tapeworm on their India vacation - probably deliberately so they could come back and snorf down them damn tasty Blizzards.

Those damn tiny burgers from A&W have an annoying commercial. The caterer is handing out food at some high end posh party but they only want to eat those half sized Angus cheeseburgers. So he goes to the A&W to get more because no posh party is complete without fast food. Later today I am gonna eat four of those suckers while wearing my boxers and a dirty t-shirt. How posh is that for you bitches?


Pearl said...


Don't you know? American commericials are all about psychotic and/or violent obsessions about whatever is on at the time.

We were all issued safety goggles and special meds.

Good God. You DID receive your packet, didn't you?!


MJenks said...

Do they have crazier commercials up there in the northern tier of states? Because down here, I haven't seen any of those commercials.

But then, maybe they don't make it through the sensors down here because everything isn't fried.

I do think "how posh is that, bitches" might become my new battle cry.

The Invisible Seductress said...

I love this level of poshness!!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

As usual they held up my package at the border, Pearl.

TS Hendrik said...

I feel your pain man. I do.
My grandfather had the right idea. He used to sit in front of the TV on an antique milking stool and turn the sound down every time commercials came on.

D.I. Felipe González said...

Cal, you must have TIVO or similar devices in the boreal regions of Canada. Otherwise, talk with your mom during commercials (believe me, when mom is no more around you'll miss her, sometimes).

Pat Tillett said...

I've see these commercials. I pretty much agree with you, but those blizzards are pretty damn good...

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Oh I am saying nothing bad about the product. It's a fine product. The commercial is so stupid though. For some reason my commercials have to be totally honest to be effective to me. Anytime they exaggerate to make a comercial funny (like cartoon bears using toilet paper - because it's stupid to think they would - bears shit wherever they want and I never hear a bear say, "I wish the shit didn't stick to my fur so I need some soft tissue."

Leviathud said...

Yes! I loathe that Blizzard commercial. I hate it almost as much as those stupid annoying animated singing Miniwheats commercials. Back when I was in college McDonalds' had a commercial so stupid it actually offended me. I havent been to a McDonalds since that time must be going on 15 years now.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Finally, someone who understands my pain, Leviathud. It must be the fact that I usually can avoid commercials so when I can't they just infuriate me more. My tolerance for what I find effective or at least entertaining is very low. At least they stopped showing that stupid McDonald's commercial with the bear wandering through the camp of hipsters.

vancouver mark said...

Wait, MJ, "northern tier of states," sputter, what?!?

Cal! Do something!

Laura said...

Come on Cal! Canada rocks and so do our commercials! :P
Kidding.. (about the commercials, not the country).. they suck.
I can't stand the A&W one, probably because I've seen it the most.
